Frequently asked questions.



Is it safe to donate my placenta? 

Yes. The placenta, which would typically be discarded, is collected after giving birth. The only risk is that associated with giving a blood sample.

Will my tissue be distributed outside of Canada? 

Currently, we plan to only distribute to health care organizations in Canada. If the program expands in the future, processed tissue might also be distributed elsewhere. 

Can I still donate my placenta if Iā€™m banking cord blood and cord tissue? 

Yes. The cord is separate from the placenta and it will be collected at the same time. Your donation will not affect your ability to bank your cord blood and cord tissue. 

When is it too late to donate my placenta? 

As long as you have not delivered your baby, you can always donate your placenta and we can collect medical information and placenta on the day of the delivery. 

Will I be informed of any results from my blood work? 

Yes. If something in your blood requires medical attention, that information will be shared with your health care provider in accordance with Health Canada guidelines. 

What else can I do with my placenta?

The placenta and related birth tissue are normally discarded as medical waste. 

If I give birth again, can I donate my placenta? 

Yes. If you satisfy eligibility criteria during your next pregnancy, you can donate your placenta again.

Is there anything I need to know or prepare for ahead of time? 

No. Once the Sinai Health team confirms your eligibility to donate, a staff member will provide all the information required. 

What additional steps will I need to take to donate my placenta? 

You must give written consent to donate your placenta and related birth tissue and provide permission for your medical chart to be reviewed. If you are eligible to donate, you must complete a brief medical questionnaire within two weeks prior to your delivery, and have a physical examination and provide a blood sample within one week prior to delivery. 




Will I get paid for donating my placenta? 

No. Your donation is purely voluntary. The National Organ Transplant Act prohibits the sale of organs and tissue in Canada. 

Will the tissue be sold for profit? 

The Trillium Gift of Life Network Act prohibits the sale of organs and tissues. Mount Sinai Allograft Technologies (MSAT) will process your birth tissues into a finished healing product that will be made available for distribution. In exchange, Sinai Health will receive compensation to cover the collection, processing and distribution costs to make it suitable for use on wounds and in surgical care.

What if I change my mind about my donation? 

You can opt out of the Placenta Donation Program until the time that your placenta and related birth tissue have been processed. 


Will you contact me for any other reasons?

No. Your information will be collected by the MSAT team for the purpose of the Mothers Healing Others program only. You will not hear from us after your donation. 




Who will have access to my personal health information? 

Only the Sinai Health team will have access to your identity and personal health information. Once processed the final product will not contain any personal information.

Will my identity be known to the patient receiving my tissue? 

No. Once processed, your placenta and related birth tissue will not contain any personal identification information.

How is my personal health information being protected?

Sinai Health follows the compulsory guidelines fo the protection and privacy of personal health information as required by the Ontario government.

If you are having a Caesarean birth, we hope you will consider this program. Contact our Donation Coordinator at: or 416-586-4800, ext. 7814 or speak with your health care provider during your next appointment.